Sunday, January 31, 2016

Cluster of Stakeholders, Blog Post 2.9

There are two major groups of stakeholders in the controversy of where Earth's water came from: scientists who believe that comets brought water to Earth first and then volcanic processes emitted water vapor into the atmosphere, or scientists that believe that volcanic activity alone was enough to bring liquid water to the Earth's surface. Each side has particular arguments working in their favor and against it. While evidence is bountiful that volcanic activity did emit water vapor into Earth's early atmosphere, it is still unknown how the water vapor got there in the first place. On the flip side, the admittedly few comets studied in great detail have been shown to have ice water that is very unlike water we see here on Earth. This controversy is great to study because each side has good talking points.

Cluster of Stakeholders

In the cluster, I ensured that each side of the argument was represented well. The opinions of both "Comet Theorists" and "Volcano Theorists" were stated in the cluster. As well, i wrote that some bias may perhaps exist. However, hopefully scientists, regardless of the theories they follow, should have no bias regarding their work. They should look at each theory objectively and study both arguments.

NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. Bright Comet ISON. November 22nd, 2013 via Flickr. Attribution License.

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