Sunday, January 24, 2016

Course Projects, Blog Post 1.11

Reading through the Major Projects sheets, I saw that most of the writing I will be doing this semester will be focused on my college or perhaps even my own major. However, there are some major differences between the four major projects. The Controversy Postmortem focuses on a specific controversy that exists in my field of study that I must research and report in an unbiased manner. The Rhetorical Investigation will involve me interviewing various experts in my field of study and asking them about their own writing processes and techniques. A Public Argument will have me taking a side on a particular controversy that exists within my field. The Public Argument and Controversy Postmortem may then be linked by me reporting on the same controversy. Finally, in the Reflective Self-Assessment, I will read over my work from the entire semester and report on the writing changes and techniques that evolved with me throughout the semester.
  • What are you most confused by or nervous about in regards to the four major projects?
I am most worried about using audio and video recording devices to complete the projects. Two of the project genres, the Podcast and Video Essay, use these devices extensively. I was never particularly good at shooting video or recording audio and throwing the two together in to a coherent and memorable project.
  • What are you most interested in or excited by in regards to the four major projects?
I am definitely excited to research controversies in my field of study. Science, and Geosciences especially, is marked by controversy and disagreement. When two scientists fail to reach the same conclusion, one or the other must provide enough evidence to prove him or herself right. 
  • Based on your understanding of the major projects, what are the elements of this course that you have to plan ahead for? How will the coursework described in the four project assignment sheets challenge your time management skills this semester?
I will need to devote most of my time to researching controversies in my field and editing/perfecting my audio and video recording technique. With this in mind, it is best for me to plan ahead and begin researching my field within the next week. As well, I should give myself plenty of time to rent recording equipment so that I can have some idea of how to use it.
  • How has your past English coursework in high school or college prepared you for the challenges of this course? What skills will you bring into the course with you?
My honors English classes in high school exposed me to various kinds of media that can be used to make a project. In middle school, most of English was essay writing and novel reading. In high school, I was able to use video, still imagery, collages, etc. to express my ideas. The exposure to these new devices will aid me in the coming semester. While I do not have great skill recording video, I at least have some experience with it. As well, my high school teachers wanted me to use significant amounts of evidence in order to prove my points. I am making an educated guess that college will be no different!
  • Do you have any questions about the four major projects that haven't been answered by the assignment sheets? What do you still want to know?
One major question I want to know is: which project do students seem to struggle with the most? If I could know the answer, I would know which project to prepare the most for. I would also like to know if English tutors would be able to aid me in building a good project. If so, their experience would be an invaluable asset. 

Geology: The Study of Earth and her processes

Beauregard, Mike. "Spaghetti Rock". September 2011 via Flickr. Attribution License.


Looking through the posts of my fellow students, I am relieved to see that I am not alone in having anxiety about doing a Podcast or Video Essay. The exposure to new ideas or, in this case, forms of media, can be scary. However, I must learn to adapt; college is going to be a tough experience. I feel that although this semester will be tough and tedious, it is good to know that I have others around me that feel the same way. I know that I can look to them for guidance and/or support.

I responded to Brady Thomas and Gabby Dietrich.


  1. Joshua,
    I completely agree with you about being nervous to work with video and audio devices. However, now is a better time than any to get used to the technologically advanced world we live in! It is interesting that you plan on focusing on sciences for your controversy research, because I am a science major too and hope to find intriguing stories that are mainly science and medically based.

  2. Josh,
    Your introduction did a good job of giving the reader a glimpse of the projects and I couldn't agree more with your worries about the video and audio equipment and time management worries. I think they both will be interesting obstacles to overcome and I think studying our respective majors will be interesting.
    Unfortunately, I can't really relate to having any experience with audio and video, but I hope I learn quick and I believe your extra questions would be worth answering in class.
