Sunday, February 21, 2016

Brutally Honest Self-Assesment, Blog Post 5.9

My first major English project in college is finally over. Three more will need to be completed before the class is over. Doing this self-assessment of Project 1 will aid me in the weeks to come.

1. How are you feeling about the project you just submitted for assessment? Give me your raw, unvarnished opinion of your own project overall.

I feel that, for a first project, my work was adequate. I explained the controversy and my stakeholders rather well. Also, I feel that I put enough information into the project and that my video was of sufficient length. I would say that my project does have some weaknesses, however. These will be explained below. Overall, I'd say my project is of at least a B grade quality.

2. What are the major weaknesses of the project you submitted? Explain carefully how and why you consider these elements to be weak or under-developed.

There were a few major weaknesses in my project. First of all, my narration sounded choppy or rushed at times. A nervous and rushed speaker does not articulate ideas well. Also, I only used two music clips; one during the intro and one during the credits. While music wasn't a huge necessity, I feel that perhaps I should have used more. Finally, while I tried to add some animation to the still imagery slides, I feel that they are still rather bland and might not capture the attention of the audience that well.

3. What are the major strengths of the project you submitted? Explain carefully how and why you consider these elements to be strong or well-developed.

There were many strengths in my video, however. I introduced my stakeholders well and introduced their positions. This was a key part of this Project and it was a huge success for me to get it down. Also, I found relevant and useful still images to use in my video. While they might not have had much animation to them, they still convey major plot information and imagery to the audience. Furthermore, I tried to ensure there was little "audio white space" (times when no audio is heard at all). It is much easier to capture the attention of the audience when there is constant information being conveyed. Finally, I found incredibly helpful sources and cited them in the video. These sources provided me, and could provide the audience, with a wealth of information about the positions of the three major stakeholders in this controversy.

4. What do you think of how you practiced time management for Project 1? Did you put enough time and effort into the project? Did you procrastinate and wait till the last minute to work on things? Share any major time management triumphs or fails....

I tried to set up a day by day schedule for blog work and project work. Typically, I tried to complete 1-2 blog posts everyday and get at least 2-3 scenes narrated and placed within my video. There were times of procrastination, however. A few times, I waited until Sunday to do 3 blog posts or even most of my editing or original filming! All in all, I'd say that I managed my time well and that my project ended up better off because of it.

The Andy Zone/Jaded Entertainment With Andy. I'm Finished! March 25th, year unknown via Tumblr. No License Info.

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