Friday, February 12, 2016

Peer Review 2

Projects that I reviewed:

David Klebosky. Red Card: Qatar World Cup Labor Crisis

Review for Red Card: Qatar World Cup Labor Crisis

Mariana Chacon. Nina Pham QRG

Review for Nina Pham QRG

1. What did you learn about your own project (or the project in general) by comparing drafts of the same project in different genres?
I learned that the Video Essay could be done in several ways, potentially. Whereas my Video Essay has mostly my voice and shows my face for just a few brief moments, the Video Essay I reviewed had the author on screen throughout the film. For the most part, though, we both conveyed the information that needed to be conveyed. 
As well, I learned that the QRG format remains stable, typically. The information is presented in an online news story format that does not have much variation. 
I feel that overall, the Video Essay allowed for more freedom within conventions.
2. I want you to plan on doing revision between now and our next class meeting on Tuesday. Tell me the top three issues or problems with your draft in its current form and what you plan on doing over the weekend to address those issues.
Issue #1: Lack of music.
My Video Essay has no added sound other than my own voice and the music from one of the documentary films I put in the film. I plan on adding some music for at least the introduction and credits scenes; potentially in other places as well.
Issue #2: Mostly static images.
Much of my Video Essay is still imagery. While this hasn't been a hindrance in the past (think Ken Burns) I should try to add some interesting themes to the images used or perhaps add some more video clips.
Issue #3: Length
I honestly feel that my project is rather lengthy. While this is good in terms of conveying information, it is bad in that I can lose the audiences' attention rather easily. I should add a few more transitions to keep the audience focused.
3. Tell me the top three strengths of your draft. How/why are these things strengths? How will you build on them to make the rest of the draft as strong?
Strength #1: I introduced my stakeholders well and stated their positions. This is important because the entire purpose of this major project was to identify a controversy and the stakeholders within it. I will potentially add more claims that each stakeholder makes to solidify their positions as a whole.
Strength #2: Engaging imagery.
I used many pictures of space, earth, or celestial objects in my presentation. For my audience and myself, these images convey a sense of wonder and bewilderment. This will keep my audience focused on the information being conveyed.
Strength #3: Outside video sources.
The documentary used in my draft and the video of the Rosetta spacecraft launch both add context and useful information to my project. They let the audience see, up close and personnel, information and primary sources that affect the current controversy. 

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