Sunday, February 21, 2016

Local Revision: Pronoun Usage, Blog Post 5.6

I did not use a great deal of pronouns in my project. Typically, I referred to stakeholder personalities or journalists by their proper names. However, the pronouns I did use were used properly and ensured that the film did not sound too choppy or lengthy.

Pronoun List

1. Based on your analysis, how effective is your pronoun usage in Project 1? What does actively examining your pronoun usage tell you about your writing style?

While I did not use that many pronouns in my project, the ones I did use were placed effectively. For example, the introductory sentence of my project: "When you look at a picture of Earth from space, you'll see its most distinct feature right away: its oceans."

"You" was used to connect with the audience and involve them in the video. "Its" was used to refer to the Earth s so as to shorten the piece and improve the flow.

Looking at my pronoun usage, it seems to me that I tend to use more proper nouns in my work than perhaps most other people. I want to ensure that quoted persons are given their due credit.

2. Are there any instances in your project where you speak to or refer directly to the audience? If so, how effective are these moments at creating a bond or connection between audience and author?

I attempted to connect my audience to my project from the get go. By using the pronouns "you" and "we" I established a link with the audience. I wanted them to be involved listeners and perhaps even researchers themselves. I would say that my strategy was somewhat effective. There were certainly moments where the audience would have to be, due to my pronoun usage, involved in viewing the video.

Tara Hunt. Audience. September 9th, 2013 via Flickr. Attribution License.

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