Monday, March 7, 2016

Blog Post 7.1, Content Outline

Before actually starting production on my QRG, I should be sure to outline what the content will look like on the project. To this end, I made a content outline below:

  • Opening: 

Explain the kind of writing style that is prevalent in geosciences. Briefly introduce each genre: Poster, Article, and Paper.

Main idea: Writing in geosciences is technical and requires mastery of technical language and concepts within the field. There are three major genre types in geosciences: Scientific Posters, Scientific Articles, and Scientific Papers.

Attention Grabbers: Interesting title and pictures of volcanic eruptions or other action-packed geologic events.

  • Body Section 1: Posters

Briefly describe Scientific Posters. Point out main parts of the poster (Introduction, conclusion, etc.). Explain how posters are different from other genres.

Main idea: Posters are used to communicate a great deal of scientific data and conclusions through mostly visual effects (graphs, data sheets, etc.). Shortest of the genres and uses the least technical language.

Evidence 1: Take a picture of a scientific poster in Gould-Simpson building. Point out that much space is used for visual effects.

This piece of evidence is important because it backs up the main idea statement that posters are mostly visual based.

Evidence 2: Take a picture of the actual writing used on the poster.

This evidence is important because it will prove that writing on posters is typically short and doesn't used a great deal of technical language. 

  • Body Section 2: Articles

Describe Scientific Articles. Point out main parts (Abstract, data, conclusion, etc.). Explain how articles are different.

Main idea: Articles are a longer version of scientific writing that puts less emphasis on visual data and more emphasis on actual written data and concepts. There is a great deal of technical language used. Most scientists find articles to be crucial for gathering research into an area of study.

Evidence is crucial because it illustrates that articles are mostly text based with some visual back-ups. Also backs up the idea that technical language is used.

Evidence 2: Interview with Kate Metcalf

In this interview, Kate stated that one of the harder parts of writing in geosciences was getting caught up on new research, articles, and papers that are being put out. Reading articles in major publications may help narrow the search for relevant info greatly. 

  • Body Section 3: Papers
Describe Scientific Papers. Main parts (Abstract, major chapters, conclusions, etc.). Explain how papers are different. 

Main idea: Papers are the longest and most technical genre to write in. Usually measured in tens or even hundreds of pages! However, they are typically the most rewarding for a researcher. 

Evidence 1: Find hard or online copy of a Paper.

This evidence is important because I can count the number of pages within and get pictures of the text itself to prove that papers are incredibly long and have the most technical language of all three genres.

Evidence 2: Interview with Dr. Gehrels

In his interview, Dr. Gehrels stated that his favorite scientific publication was a paper he wrote about the geology of the Grand Canyon. He stated that this paper received major attention due to it's interesting conclusion and was overall a rewarding paper to write. This evidence will support the claim that researchers are rewarded most heavily for papers.

  • Closing
Review the three genres again and what separates them. Throw in some more statements from interviews if necessary to drive home the point. Explain that while writing in geosciences is hard, the researchers I interviewed still enjoy the field greatly.

Main idea: Each genre has pros/cons to it. Although writing in the field of geosciences is hard in any genre, the researchers still enjoy doing it and advancing the field.

Significance idea: Dr. Gehrels stated that he enjoys the field because he gets to conduct his own research and write on his own. 

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