Thursday, March 31, 2016

Blog Post 10.2, Production Schedule

Project 3 and it's related blog posts will be probably the largest undertaking of this semester for English 109H. There is a great deal of information that needs to be researched. That is why I am making a schedule for myself so that I can stay on track to complete everything.

Sunday, April 3rd:

Have all of the Pre-Production blog posts and research done.

I don't want to have to worry too much about finding additional sources and information for the project at this point. So, I want to have Pre-Production all wrapped up by Sunday.

Monday, April 4th:

Begin the introduction section of my essay (introduce hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, explain arguments for and against, introduce a great idea to make fracking safer, cleaner and more efficient).

I want to get at least something done on Monday so that I can write my first production report on Tuesday. As well, I want to see if my issue is actually a viable one and writing the introduction, to me, is the point of no return. I either pick a new topic and start over or I continue onwards.

Tuesday, April 5th:

Begin the first body section (explain this new, great idea for making fracking better).

I don't want to go right out of the introduction and explain why the idea is so great from the get go. First, I want to explain more in depth the idea so that the audience understands what I am talking about.

As well, on this day, I want to get my first production report done. If possible, I will try to complete my first peer review on Tuesday.

Wednesday, April 6th:

Begin the second body section (explain WHY this new idea is so great).

This is the most important section of the body portion of my paper. As a result, I may spend two days on it to make sure that it is as perfect as possible.

Also, I want to complete my second peer review on this day.

Thursday, April 7th:

Finish the second body section.

Complete my second production report.

Friday, April 8th:

Begin the third body section (explain that there will still be opposition to this idea).

Although I am trying to state that the idea is great, I also want to point out that there will still be some opposition to the idea.

Saturday, April 9th:

Complete the conclusion section (reiterate about fracking, it's pros and cons, what is being done to make it safer, and why that idea is great).

Finalize Works Cited section.

Sunday, April 10th:

Complete the Reflection on the Production.

Go over my rough draft one final time for errors, convention mistakes, etc.

Submit my rough draft.

1 comment:

  1. I think this is a solid schedule to follow. The only recommendation that I would have for you would be to keep your eyes open for more sources when you are producing your project, you never know what turns your project might take as you produce it. Otherwise I think this outline effectively spaces out the progress of the project and will allow you good time to produce a good project.
