Saturday, April 2, 2016

Blog Post 10.3, Content Outline

Since Project 3 is going to be a College Essay and require a great deal of research to be done, I think it would be best to first complete an outline of the rough draft. This will allow me to get a basic understanding of my topic and what I want to do with it.


Explain the basics of hydraulic fracturing (fracking) and it's rise to current popularity. Introduce some pros and cons of fracking (BBC). Finish by introducing the great idea(s): safer and greener fracking technologies.

Attention Grabber:

State an interesting fact about fracking (From BBC Article, especially).

Body Section 1:

New technologies are being researched and developed to make fracking safer.

Talk about three: Waterless fracking, using recycled water or brine for the injection well, and changing the chemical use.

The three pieces of evidence above prove that measures are being undertaken to make fracking a safer, more environmentally friendly practice.

This evidence is important for my essay because the essay is entirely about new fracking methods.

Body Section 2:

These new technologies are great ideas because they make fracking a much more environmentally friendly and safer practice. Explain the kinds of dangers that could be mitigated by new technology:

Groundwater pollution

Earthquakes (though, there is controversy as to whether fracking causes quakes)

This evidence shows that fracking, in it's current form, is a very controversial and, often times, polluting industry.

That is important to take note of because these news technologies, it is hoped, will work to elimanate those problems.

Overall, the idea is great because it will make situations that arise in the pieces of evidence a thing of the past.

Body Section 3:

Despite these new and great advances in technology, there will still be some opposition to fracking.

Gallup Poll on support for fracking

Congressional opposition

This evidence illustrates that fracking is still a hot button topic in the United States right now.

It is important because even great ideas have some opposition and it is important to note the concerns and try to show both sides' viewpoints.


Reiterate the pros and cons of fracking as it stands. Assert that with new technologies, the cons will be greatly reduced and fracking will be a viable form of energy collection, despite the opposition.

Larger Significance:

Talk about how important it is to many groups that the U.S become energy independent. Finish off by stating that fracking, with safer and greener technologies, will be a pathway towards energy independence.

1 comment:

  1. I think this has a lot of potential! Fracking is in fact a personal passion of mine, as an environmental studies major. You really outlined the rhetorical situation well by mentioning rhetorical strategies used in each piece of evidence, which you do have a lot of. However, I think there could be much more detail included in the entire outline, specifically in context for each piece of evidence. I know it's just an "outline" but putting down more of your thought process will help immensely.
