Saturday, April 16, 2016

Blog Post 12.3, Peer Review 12b

For this Peer Review, I studied the Research Report done by Sofia Haserot.

Sofia did an excellent job at finding a great deal of research for Project 3. I will, however, make a research recommendation:

You put an incredible amount of detail into your report. Not only was the information summarized, you found information on the authors, their credibility, the source, etc. My research report lacked these sections and I feel as if I really should have put them in.

The sources listed are defined as credible and are backed up with evidence of WHY they are credible. However, you also did mention that some articles or stories definitely have a bias. This may make the source a bit less credible overall.

My largest critique is over the diversity of sources in your report. Most of them appear to come from Fox News. While this might not hurt the project overall, it might help to find other sources that are stating the same information. This will prove to the audience that there is more than one news agency breaking the story or reporting.

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