Saturday, April 23, 2016

Blog Post 13.3, Peer Review 13b

For this Peer Review, I looked at the Research Report done by Chandler Gillette. Although the project is almost done, I think that a last second review of the research will be beneficial to Chandler.

All in all, Chandler did an excellent job finding relevant information for his project. He went into exceptional detail talking about the source, it's author, the material within, the credibility of the source, etc.

I will, however, make a Research Recommendation:

The level of detail in this report was incredible. You spared no expense in your report. Credibility, context, target audience; all were touched upon.

The credibility for most articles is sound. However, some of your readers may question the fact that you put several quotes and information from Apple websites or employees. This could constitute a bit of a bias, though, the report you are compiling does have some inherent bias.

There was a great diversity of sources, as well. News sites such as Fox and CNN were included; as well as quotes from Apple employees and independent authors.

One minor detail: the cursing. While I myself don't mind and think it's actually a humorous way to get the point across sometimes, it could unprofessional in some minds.

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