Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Blog Post 13.2, Peer Review 13a

For this Peer Review, I looked at the Rough Cut done by Ryan Wolfe. 

Overall, the rough draft of Ryan's essay looks well done. He has a great deal of sources and information and manages to take a stance on a rather unpopular topic and defend it expertly. I will, however, make a content suggestion:

  • You certainly match the requirements put forth by the Project 3 guidelines. You brought up what you claim is a great idea and explain why it is so great. 
  • Some minor grammatical fixes should be done (E.g. capitalize MSNBC fully).
  • Don't forget to take into account counter arguments to your piece. For example, your section talking about whether illegal immigration is a problem or not, one rebuttal could be that illegal immigration has slowed and that we are deporting more aliens than are coming in successfully.
  • You did use information from Trump's own website; a great deal of bias could be present. However, I believe that in the context that it was being used in, you did well.
  • Overall, you used a great deal of sources in your piece. Make sure there's a comprehensive Works Cited!

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